Winter Is Coming


Last week there was a stupid movie that went on Netflix. 1 Million Christians Signed a Petition Calling For Its Removal over a Gay Jesus Christmas Flick.

My husband sent me the article about it and he tells me that we are cancelling Netflix.

I thought, so I guess we are cancelling the Internet service too? The internet is filled with all sorts of nasty. I don’t go out of my way looking for that type of content. Generally, it seems every other day some company is appeasing to an angry mob that is offended. It’s practically a daily thing. I told him that even if I saw it in the Netflix dashboard I had no desire to watch it.

No More Cable or Satellite

We have subscribed to platforms that we can watch on demand through Roku. We threw away money to AT&T’s DirecTV, or Suddenlink or to Spectrum for so many years for channels that we didn’t watch. Our service has been good. I don’t have to get bent out of shape trying to find the remote. My phone has the Roku remote control app. Huge convenience! Parents know what I am talking about. Anyway, we are saving hundreds of dollars and are happy with the monthly subscriptions that we chose. Wish we did it years ago.

So through that nonsense, we made the decision that we are cancelling Netflix and replacing it with HBO NOW. Of course this is going to be something that me and my husband Jason will be able to control when our kids go to bed and it’s just us.

I’m finally watching Game of Thrones (GOT).

On Friday, we started with the first two episodes of GOT and I have to say there is so much story that I am hooked. We have watched 2 episodes each evening consistently. From what I gather the title, “Game of Thrones” makes perfect title sense considering all of the plotting by certain characters from each of the families across the land. I am glad that I live in this age in watching what little it shows of their way of life. Yes, it is completely fiction. I am sure it was much harder during the earlier European periods.

Speaking of the Characters

I have always found the one that is referred to as, “The Imp” in other films–annoying. However, I feel that this role suits Peter Dinklage very well. And the writers have went out of their way to embrace his uniqueness. Of course there is course language, then there is the nudity and cruelty. I don’t care for the homosexual activity, but we can always fast forward through those acts.

There is a hierarchy, ranking and what are the roles of those who serve inside the kingdoms. I’m sure the books are much more detailed, but from what I have seen there is much to eat up.

For instance, the characters are starting to piece together that someone killed the Hand of the King. As certain characters start asking questions it gets a bit heated, sides are drawn and you are trying to figure who knows what and then the plots just gets juicier.

So between the knights and the weird stuff happening in the woods I would say that this is probably a good medieval fantasy to watch.

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