There are people that look at politics like sports teams. They root for their players no matter what and are only around during elections. Our constitutional republic form of government has officials that say one thing when they campaign and do the opposite or less. To be a self governing society we have to be aware of some basic civic knowledge and be active. We are all guilty to a degree by falling asleep at the wheel and just trusted a system that elected officials are doing right by their oath of office. However, if you missed 2020 clearly we all have failed to do our part. All or most of our lives were interrupted by this madness.
We can be angry, go with the flow or we can be productive and do something about it. Our liberty is priceless. Our government was designed to protect our rights. Our Constitution is the contract that our public servants at the state, county and local level are sworn in as their oath of office to agree to those rules.
Governor Greg Abbott broke many rules and most of our legislators allowed it. Many people to local elected officials made excuses, “Oh it was an emergency. It’s to save lives.”
The Shut Down
Ordering the churches to close, ordering businesses to close, giving authority to County Judges to stay home, quarantine people without due process, mandates and more can all be listed as clear violations of the Texas Constitution. Let’s not forget that it was done by Governor Abbott and a very long list of elected officials.

Within a year we have learned that our public education system had teachers teaching students Critical Race Theory (CRT), Social Emotional Learning (SEL), allowed unlawful aversive techniques on campus and rewarding students who wore a face covering. There was a massive number of lives lost or are having to live with the damage due to these poor decisions from the medical industry that were influenced by third parties. Certain appointed health authorities were elevated as experts that provided no clear evidence or have not confirmed valid research to support these policies. Through these executive orders many programs were funding contractors without oversight to fear mongering marketing material on a variety of platforms. Thankfully, we had a fellow patriot Senator Bob Hall that made calls to certain medical boards that were hindering patients to receiving doctor prescribed medications at the pharmacy.
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Putting Texas Voters Back In Charge
Consider taking part in a movement that will support candidates who will preserve, protect and defend our Constitution. This goal involves people to learn, research and take action. To kick start this idea I bought a book by Robert West titled, The Five Star Plan. This native Texan is a US Navy Veteran, an aviation electronics specialist, serves as a Republican Precinct Chair in Delta County, 2020 State Delegate and a Constitutional Conservative.

The Five Star Plan is about replacing every Texas politician that did not stand up against Abbott. Starting from the county level to the state level. In fact, replacing any politician that didn’t challenge anything unconstitutional should be removed from office.
We all have experienced these executive orders to people living in fear for various reasons of being fined by unelected officials or being excluded from living normally. There are millions of people who have been violated, but don’t know how or don’t know what to do about it.
Robert West gives an easy to read approach on how people can take simple steps to get involved right in your own community. From the beginning he educates you so that you are informed of what was violated by Governor Greg Abbott from our supreme law of the land the Constitution. He goes over office holders that are not often talked about such as, County and Precinct Chairs with a brief description of their role. The Primary Election is explained and there is a list of agenda items that a candidate must support during the Legislative Session. Which is also a good opportunity to research current Texas House Representatives, Senators, Congressman‘s voting record, bills authored and/or sponsored. If you want to replace a career politician you have to do some research so that when you do speak it’s with facts and you can cite the information. This book is a great start and I really like that West consistently focused on the Constitution to hone in on what to talk to people about. For those who may be interested in seeking public office or maybe you know a person that would be a better candidate than the incumbent. This book provides insight on commitments, recruiting volunteers, campaign team member ideas and an overview how to analyze voter rolls.
We can’t keep being surface voters or low information voters anymore. If you only vote for “your friends” or a friend that told you to vote for their friend. You are a low information voter. We all have been effected physically, emotionally and financially from the decisions that were made. Those elected are supposed to be our public servants. We can not condone tyranny and we need to call these tyrants out. Just waiting for election day is not enough. If you are available to attend a school board meeting, city council meeting and/or commissioners court meeting or even legislative sessions. Be that person to report to your community or your network of friends. You can’t rely on the news media or your very own local news to provide basic facts. Often, the local news media is PROVIDED a press release from that local elected body. I know this from experience as a former elected official and I am aware as a community activist. There were many times that I attended a public meeting and the news source did not provide an adequate report.
Below is how to purchase this book today. Please visit the The Five Star Plan website to sign up to Robert’s newsletter, invite 5 friends to a Patriot event with guest speakers, go to candidate meet and greets and use this book to interview the candidates. I do not receive profits from the book sales.

Get Involved Today and Buy The Book Now