With the world constantly evolving, animals such as insects, can find themselves in tough situations for survival. One may not think about it, but believe it or not your average bee you see in your backyard can be struggling much greater than you would think. They may seem annoying at times, but bees provide a great benefit to the natural ecosystem in the world. If you want to keep your yard looking healthy and your flowers blooming bees are going to need to stick around whether you like it or not. Check out a few of these simple choices you can make that will help save the bees and keep things a bit greener for years to come!
As mentioned, bees greatly benefit the natural ecosystem that surrounds us. They pollinate countless essential crops, such as apples, melons, cranberries, pumpkins, squash, broccoli, and almonds (there’s much more than this believe it or not, but will keep it short for now). Unfortunately, there are countless problems that bees deal with on a daily basis that is causing them to decline much more rapidly than they should be, problems that can easily be avoided if we put in a little extra effort. If you want to do your part and help them, you might consider making these simple choices that can save the bees.
Avoid Pesticides
It can seem like an annoyance to avoid using pesticides, but it will help your local ecosystem in the long run. That’s because pesticides are harmful to bees and other insects. Pesticides contain neurotoxins, which can alter the normal functioning of the nervous system. Thankfully, there are a plethora of natural pesticides you can purchase or make that can keep those pests from bothering your plants and isn’t harmful to the bees.
Pollinator Garden
Making a pollinator garden in your backyard helps the bees and adds a picturesque charm to your home. Pollinator gardens contain herbs, flowers, and plants that naturally attract bees, which keeps their populations up. You’ll be happy to know there are many plants that help honey production that you can plant in your garden today. Consider tickseed, willow trees, or chamomile for your pollinator garden. You might also want to look into the plants that are native to your area, as some species of bees require pollen from native plants.
Purchase Local Honey
One of the simplest choices you can make that saves the bees is to support your local beekeepers. When you can, try to purchase local honey. When you purchase commercialized honey from your grocery store, you could potentially end up with a low-quality product. But when you support your local beekeepers, you help keep them in business, which helps them continue to care for their beehives.