Shop Small in Rockwall




As a neighborhood champion or small business supporter I am encouraging all local business owners to consider hosting a local event for you to get the whole community out to Shop Small on Small Business Saturday and all year round.

Get inspired by Facebook and Instagram posts and create your own. Upload a new cover photo that you could use to help promote and celebrate your event before the day and on the day.

Download two of the logos below to apply to your graphics.

Shop Small LogoShop Small Logo in White









Incorporate Your Small Business Logo. The information shared can be customized to your business, so be sure to insert the appropriate information in print and online.

Create a Facebook Event. The one with the Small Business Saturday® logo is to be used on the actual day. The one with the Shop Small logo can be used if you host this event on any other day throughout the year. On your event page, click “Add Event Photo” in the top right corner, choose “Upload Photo,” and select your favorite of the two cover photos below. Of course, I would highly recommend personalizing it to your services, products, exclusive incentives and of course seeing your precious face.

Small Business Saturday Facebook Event CoverSmall Business Saturday Facebook Event Cover






Signage. Proudly display a Shop Small poster, print table tents or window stickers in your store window, counter tops and/or other outdoor signage. This will ensure that shoppers know you’re participating.

Social Media. Whenever you post on social media, use #AmexSBSChampion to join the conversation with your Neighborhood Champion community. You should also use #ShopSmall to help rally shoppers. It can be used within a sentence, at the end of a post, or within an image post. Use #SmallBizSat when possible to get the word out and celebrate the big day.

Promotions. Think of fun ways to represent your business and display your products in a tangible setting with a physical space. Produce a video and share it on your social networks and of course your website. Blog about any exclusive discounts or giveaway a free gift with a purchase of a specific amount.

Pinterest. Check out my pinterest board for some inspiration.

Upcoming Blog Post. I haven’t decided yet, but there will be a local business that I plan to either dine, enjoy a service or experience and I’m going to blog about it. To be considered please comment below and tell me about your business that is located in Rockwall County to Dallas metroplex area.

Think about which 3 independently owned businesses you’d miss most if they were gone.

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