Rockwall Grass Fire By Shannon Elementary

Photo Credit: Adrienne Balkum | Grass fire behind Shannon Elementary

While my son was at recess in the enclosed playground the students noticed the flames in the field behind the school. The school teachers followed fire drill protocol and were very calm to exit the playground to a safe distance.

Principal Kelsey Bowles did a great job in mitigating under such a fast growing fire headed towards our school. All students were accounted for and were led to the homes across the street for safety. McLendon-Chisholm Fire Rescue were on the scene with their brush trucks in the fields to extinguish the grassy fields. Rockwall Fire Department were out in force to also protect people and surrounding homes.

Some staff were out beating the fire out with straw brooms. At pick up, it was quite emotional and a lot for the students to take in what had happened. I explained to my son that they were very brave and did a great job in listening to their teachers. I also said that our heroes like the fire fighters that came to the rescue and our Rockwall Police were there to help keep you all safe. They did all that they could to protect the school, the playground and to make sure no one was injured.

Photo Cover Credit: Adrienne Balkum | Grass fire behind Shannon Elementary

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