Operations technician who has provided 38 years of service has called it quits at the May 3, 2023 Board Directors Meeting. That’s right, Dwight Lindop, the cheerful hat wearing southern guy handed in his pager and drove home. Read more about the audits and a director resignation by Gary Lovell.
Thank you for reading to be informed and for taking part of the RCH WSC WATCH. I’m definitely looking forward to hearing the election results to take place at the May 6, 2023 Election. If you have not read whom I am voting for please read my last article, “Vote for What’s Best for McLendon-Chisholm.“
President David Naylor has really made some good efforts such as producing a very nice agenda that he was able to post on the RCH Water Supply Corporation website. Remember I used to drive to the window to take photos of the agenda to share with subscribers and the RCH WSC Watch.
Balkum offers to Meet With Appointed RCH President and Secretary To Discuss A Transition to City
At Member Comments I shared, “Under Item IV Discussion and Potential Action Acquisition of RCH by McLendon-Chisholm. I’m going to be elected on the May 6, 2023 General Election. I will be sworn in on May 17th. I would hope that when you are discussing this particular item that you will be willing to have meetings with me specifically. Appoint two members from the RCH Board possibly the President [David Naylor] and [Secretary] Jackie Pullen to discuss about the transition [to the City of McLendon-Chisholm]. I would like to present to you a logical timeline with visuals in an easy form and fashion. I look forward to working with each of you and hopefully we can be able to present it to the City Council by the second meeting in May. And then in the next [RCH Water Supply Corporation] board meeting in June.”
In case you missed the May 3, 2023 RCH Board Meeting I recorded the video for you to watch at your convenience.
Heads Up Customers Water Planning and Restrictions
Almost 1 million gallons used on May 2, 2023 and it is not going to stop as it continues to get hot. The RCH WSC Board passed that we are in Drought Contingency Planning Stage 2 (See page 6). Soon you should see online information and your billing information will note we are in Stage 2. Here is what it says:
(a) Irrigation of landscaped areas with hose-end sprinklers or automatic irrigation systems shall be limited to Sundays and Thursdays for customers with a street address ending in an even number (0, 2, 4, 6 or 8), and Saturdays and Wednesdays for water customers with a street address ending in an odd number (1, 3, 5, 7 or 9), and irrigation of landscaped areas is further limited to the hours of 12:00 midnight until 10:00 a.m. and between 8:00 p.m. and 12:00 midnight on designated watering days. However, irrigation of landscaped areas is permitted at anytime if it is by means of a hand-held hose, a faucet filled bucket or watering can of five (5) gallons or less, or drip irrigation system.
Velvin & Weeks Consulting Engineers Proposal Approved
Last month, RCH WSC Board approved a contract agreement with Velvin & Weeks who presented a proposal to look at the system, update the maps, do a hydraulic model so that it could be taken and do some actual planning. Which can help determine a future water supply. Estimated cost is $50,000. Board was in favor and approved the proposal.
Another proposal approved by the Board with Whitman Land Acquisitions who will work on the right-of-way acquisition for the TxDOT relocation of water lines on State Hwy 205. The proposal will include the title research, surveying, permitting, etc.
Mr. Naylor shared that he met with McLendon-Chisholm City Administrator who provided a two page document of data requests. Naylor expressed that RCH WSC doesn’t have a “confidentiality agreement” and it is included in the board packet for informational purposes. The McLendon-Chisholm City Council gave direction for the City Water Attorney to review it.
Discussion on Acquisition of RCH by Municipality
“For my own benefit, I would like to know how the board came to this decision. What kind of due diligence has been done on this acquisition? Is McLendon-Chisholm the only ones that you talked to? Have you talked to the other systems? Are you actually interested in giving up our system?”
– RCH Water Supply Corporation President David Naylor
Director Warren Hodges said, “It was expected that the City would get into the water business. Just seeing how they [McLendon-Chisholm] would take over Sonoma Verde and what they will do to RCH‘s existence is just a wise decision.”
President David Naylor asked, “What about the CCN?”
Director Warren Hodges answered, “If McLendon-Chisholm decides that they can take it. They can take it.”
President David Naylor, “They [McLendon-Chisholm] don’t have a CCN.”
Director Gary Lovell added, “Rural water systems are awarded the CCN. It’s under my understanding that the municipality can acquire whatever system is inside their city limits. The only thing that needs to be negotiated is the cost for transfer. Kinda like what happened in Heath. The city can take your CCN. If the City decides to acquire the water system and we got into doing a new elevated storage tank. We would have a small minority of the meters and it would not be a smart decision for the members to be stuck with long term loans.”
Naylor ended with him and Pullen agreeing to move forward with discussions with various entities that include NTMWD, McLendon-Chisholm, Blackland, etc. David Naylor advised to stay on top of this due to the timing of filing with the Texas Public Utility Commission could take several months.
City of Rockwall would like to see some of the RCH WSC CCN maps to be cleaned up which will be addressed in a timely manner.
Who did the last audit for the RCH Water Supply Corporation?
There was simply not a straight answer. None could actually recall when the last audit occurred. There was definitely not an audit done in 2021, in fact, Mr. Naylor reminded the RCH Board that they approved the minutes that they reviewed an audit at the Annual Meeting. He said, “We might want to revisit that.”
It lead to remedy this dilemma by the Board approving a Letter of Engagement to contract an auditor in Greenville.
After Robin Baley gave a presentation of “financial statements” which was not as interesting as the fiery exit during the Maintenance Report by Operator Technician Dwight Lindop.
Did Robin Baley Cancel a Quarterly TCEQ Required Water Sample Testing?
It was later discovered that H20 Services Robin Baley may have cancelled a TCEQ sample testing for Monday, May 8, 2023. Is it possible she knew that the operator was going to quit? A licensed operator is needed to be present on site with TCEQ‘s hired vendor Churro’s Lab to test water systems by taking water samples at specific locations. Nonetheless, the appointment is still on for Monday and the quarterly samples will be taken.
“It’s been real. Been fun–it’s not real fun anymore. Take care gentlemen.”
– Mr. Dwight Lindop
Operation technician quits with a smile
Elevated Tower Sediment Cleaning Scheduled
The operator technician Dwight Lindop during the Maintenance Update informed us that between May 22 – May 24 the elevated water tower is scheduled for a cleaning.
Lindop stacked his metal clip boards that included a list of some part-time [phone] numbers who to call to do stuff for RCH Water Supply Corporation. Left the keys to the pump station, pager and shook David Naylor‘s hand, “It’s been a pleasure.”
He proceeded to shake the hands of the remaining board directors and said, “Thank you gentlemen.”
Mr. Dwight Lindop has served for 38 years with the water company and his final words were, “It’s been real. Been fun–it’s not real fun anymore. Take care gentlemen.”
Secretary Jackie Pullen expressed to Lindop’s dedicated service, “I just want to thank you for all that you have done. Getting up in the middle of the night to check on the pumps are still running, especially during the hot temperatures that we had, plus going to checking to see everything is warm during the cold spell. I appreciate all that you have done.”
Director Gary Lovell Resignation
Lowell English motioned to appoint former Director Steve Hatfield to return to serve the remaining time for Board Director Gary Lovell since he chose to resign.
Naylor discussed that he would like to see [board director] applications to see if there are others interested for a board director position, “It is a little disingenuous since Steve just lost the election. I would really like to see applications before we make this vote.”
Jackie Pullen shared that Steve did a very good job while he was on the board. He has a real good working relationship with TxDOT with respect to the relocation of water lines. (Jackie Pullen, Lowell English and Warren Hodges voted in favor of the appointment while David Naylor voted against it.)
Customers Want Better Management
It has been years and many months for some of us who have been in the trench tapping on this rock. Water customers have the right to know what they are paying for. Management has failed to clearly plan and spend money wisely for the obvious demand on this current rural water system.
Will there be more revelation to come?
Most likely, but the most important thing is for us to have control of the water and provide a quality system to the customers. This can be done strategically if the board will do their part in working with the City of McLendon-Chisholm. Even though, the operator technician has left the building David Naylor was swift in making some calls to check the pump station is running good. We have people on the ground to help with a temporary solution. Things to look forward to is the water system review that will be underway soon and the financial audit.
Have peace that Dwight Lindop is totally out of the water system as well as the gated water station. All of the pump station phone base system has been updated with local licensed field techs/operators from the City of Rockwall and Blackland Water Supply Corporation. Thank you to these stellar men who stepped up to help their neighbor to make sure things are operating.
Please note customers should be proactive and be mindful in limiting their outdoor water usage in the following months. Sign up to WaterMyYard.org.
Even though Mr. Steve Hatfield was appointed by the RCH WSC Board of Directors; Mr. Hatfield will still need to accept the appointment. Comment below what are your concerns and how do you feel about the board meetings. What are your thoughts about Hatfield returning as an appointed board of director?
Thank you. In disbelief that Mr. Hatfield can come back, even though he was voted out.