Customers are pleased to see that RCH Water Supply Corporation has scheduled a meeting for Wednesday, August 3, 2022 at 2pm at 5763 SH 205 South, Ste 101, Rockwall, TX. However, many agree that there seems to be something missing from the website–AGAIN. Please review recommendations and how you can attend RCH water-related upcoming meetings.
If you are new to my blog, welcome and thank you for reading to be informed about the water administration frustration that we are all experiencing here. Today, I’m trying to address quite a number of questions so that your valuable time is not wasted.
On Monday, July 25, 2022 at 10am, I handed in-person a grievance letter with desired results to Mr. Jackie Pullen and a certified letter was also mailed through U.S. Postal Services. Included was an itemized agenda and applications of candidates whom would like to be considered for director in an election and/or appointment.
Where Is Robin Baley, H20 Services?

If you called last week to speak with a RCH representative you may have been told that Ms. Baley was out for the week and will return on Monday. Ms. Baley is the RCH WS administrative officer and owner of H20 Services. On Friday, I physically went to the office to review some documents, but the doors were locked! However there was an older brunette woman working at the desk that was certainly not Robin Baley. So I called the office number (972) 722-3203 and that older woman named Cindy said that Robin has been out all week and she will be returning on Monday.
Today, the website was updated with the news that the Board Meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, August 3, 2022 at 2pm. I followed up with a phone call to speak with Ms. Baley and another woman with a heavy smoker voice said, “Robin is sick this week. I can take your name, message and someone will get back to you.”
I highly doubt she wrote down my questions to be included in the message, but she did share that she was from accounting. And I do not believe a different person is working on RCH accounting. My gut feeling tells me it is a staff person in a neighboring suite answering the phones as a kind gesture since it is somewhat of a shared office space.
Did anyone return my phone call?
What’s Missing From The Website Notice?

• The Board of Directors page is still no longer in the drop down menu.
• The Agenda is NOT posted.
• Past Minutes still not posted.
• The meeting notification was not posted at least 72 hours before the scheduled time of the meeting.
• Violating Public Testimony of the Open Meetings Act (OMA) (Sec. 551.007. PUBLIC TESTIMONY.)
A compliant entity that is meeting the OMA, the agenda will include alternative options to be able to attend the meeting when published 72 hours before the scheduled time. The agenda would clearly define when the public may have the opportunity to address the board and mention it’s compliance to Texas OMA.
Is It Open To the Public To Attend and Who Is Attending?

Yes, the meeting is open to the public. However, I am not encouraging the entire community to show up. The location has limited parking spaces and I don’t know how many people will be able to fit in the office space. I’m not relying on H20’s/RCH technology to share a live broadcast. I do plan to record (Sec. 551.023. RECORDING OF MEETING BY PERSON IN ATTENDANCE.) the meeting for anyone that wishes to watch live or later at their convenience. If you have questions or you have a representative in your neighborhood that is interested in attending please have them reach out to me so that we can coordinate appropriately.
I did speak with Mayor Keith Short and he agrees that we want the RCH Board of Directors to be able to conduct their meeting peacefully. We are to conduct ourselves with decorum. We will observe the board meeting, review a copy of an agenda if available and listen to what is being said. Remember that I will be recording so we don’t want to deter from the audio quality.
On July 26, 2022 Mayor Keith Short did state at the last city council meeting that RCH Board of Directors are expected to be present at the August 9, 2022 City Council Meeting to give an update and to address questions to the McLendon-Chisholm City Council. RCH customers are encouraged to attend that city council meeting at City Hall located at 1371 West FM 550, McLendon-Chisholm, TX 75032 on Tuesday, August 9, 2022 at 6:30pm. If you are unable to attend that public meeting, please consider reaching out to the McLendon-Chisholm City Council Members with questions that you would liked asked via email and/or phone.
Mayor Keith Short will not be at the RCH Board Meeting, however, I have confirmation that Mayor Pro Tem Trudy Woessner will be attending. A few of the applicants for board of director will also be present, as well as, a few other neighbors that have been on the RCH Watch with me.
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