Oh Koi!

Oh Koi! 6x6 Watercolor By Adrienne Balkum

Oh Koi! By Adrienne Balkum

It is a 6×6 watercolor where I used Master’s Touch watercolor paint on acid free paper. The pad that I purchased only has 12 sheets for $6.99 that I picked up from Hobby Lobby.

Taping down all sides is a must to prevent curling. Not sure if this is just a normal thing that you may have to do with watercolor in general or the quality of the paper.

I have been painting backgrounds with textures to colored lighting. It’s a form of balancing that I’m pursuing with the color palette.

A few brushes were used such as the background, blending oranges and adding the curvy black lines. This was one of my favorites, because I was able to blend the reds and oranges that makes this creature unique.

Sometimes you just have to keep swimming.

Oh Koi! 6×6 Watercolor By Adrienne Balkum
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