Mommy Needs

Photo Credit: Adrienne Balkum

Toddlers can really test you. Am I right?

Just the other day my son asked me to help him unbutton his red polo shirt. So I did. Not long after that I returned to the kitchen and noticed he decided to leave his red polo shirt on the kitchen floor. Even though, he knows exactly where the dirty hamper is.


Photo Credit: Adrienne Balkum

Of course, right as I’m getting ready to prepare for lunch. Guess what was in the sink?

A stuffed blue bunny.

Obviously, one of the kids was throwing it around the house and that is where it landed. This is in addition to picking up the same toys over and over again. It’s almost like they intentionally leave them on the floor like land mines. There is no real purpose. But it sure does annoy me.


I look forward to our date nights. Our hot Saturday night started with cruising and listening to some of our favorite 90’s bands. My husband picked the perfect playlist to set the mood. He may have not have been intentional to do it that way, but it worked out. It wasn’t any sappy love songs playing. Just straight up alternative and rock.

My husband suggested for us to see a movie and the only available showing was at an AMC located inside a mall. I’m not the type that enjoys the traditional mall – mostly since I am not a fan of large crowds. We chose to watch Avengers: End Game. We ordered a popcorn and a Hurricane Bay. This beverage was made in a clear solo cup with Bay Blue Chair Bay White Rum, House-made blend of Passion Fruit and Citrus Juices, and a splash of Grenadine. In the future, I would probably not order this particular mixed drink at a movie theater bar. The movie was the perfect escape from reality. Even if it was for a little while.

The Warm Up Scores: Mrs. B 80 and Mr. B 18 | Photo Credit: Adrienne Balkum

Afterwards, we headed over to an Arlington bowling alley called, Spare Time. Let me just say that my husband and I are very competitive when it comes to certain types of sports. My husband received a nic name when he was on a bowling league. And he is extremely good when it comes to this form of entertainment. I intentionally took photos of us when I was “winning”. Our first game was considered a “warm up”. Why? Apparently, when I finished bowling a strike it was so good that it knocked a pin into the return shoot. Causing no balls to return and jamming both of our lanes. I usually score about 100 per game. Which I’m okay with considering that I have not bowled consistently in a very long time. We didn’t have dinner so we ordered a large pepperoni pizza after 10:30pm. Yes, we were living like it was 1998. Which I have to say it was a perfect food for us to share a few hot slices on paper plates. And it was piping hot. I also ordered a sweet lemonade called the Strawberry Fusion Guzzler.

I don’t think we talked really about anything significant, but that it was just us. It was time that we needed for us to just enjoy something together. We gave each other high fives when we scored. He cheered for me even when I made a split. And he ultimately won.

Overall, it was just a good night to enjoy each other’s company.

Appreciate what you do have.

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