How I Am Trimming My Waistline

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk from Pexels

I am so disgusted that I STILL look like I have this pregnant shape gut. After a decent holiday gathering, I had gotten this fatigue and I needed to go to sleep around 6pm. Hours after midnight, I had awoke to my body wanting to make some subtle changes that lead to vomiting. It’s been 12 years since I did the holy crap what did you eat experience?!?!? The last time I did that was when I was in Rome in a 2 star hotel. My body rejected eating black octopus from a French restaurant. I was thankful there was a bathroom in my room.

After not eating solid foods for a couple of days and not desiring to get back into my routine. I embraced the change that I needed to start now verses waiting until January 1, 2022.

Down 4 Inches In 7 Days With One Meal A Day

I happen to measure myself the day before the holiday gathering I was at 42 inches. So skipping to what I’m doing for eating I am only consuming one meal a day. No breads, whip cream on my coffee, sweet tea, candy, fruit or salty snacks.

At 5am, I start with a glass of ice cold filtered water. I do make French press coffee and I add whipping cream to one cup of coffee. I do my routine of fixing my kids breakfast and other chores.

I plan to eat either a lunch or an early dinner around 5pm or 6pm. That’s my cut off. Drinking water is key and to eat only what is on my plate. If I do have a glass of wine it would be with my dinner.

In my first week, this is how my meal planning went in Week 1.


On Monday, I just drank the Ramen Noodles soup only and several glasses of water. On Tuesday, I ate the Ramen Noodles with 7up and water.


Half portion of Lo Mein Vegetables with Chicken and eggrolls from China Taste. Water is key to this whole process. If I felt hungry I drank water.


Half portion of Lo Mein Vegetables with Chicken and eggrolls. Still drinking water throughout the day and with dinner.


Brown Sugar Chicken, Maple Glazed Carrots, Steamed Brussel Sprouts and Sweet Potato Casserole. For dinner I drank one glass of Moiselle Moscato.


Prime Rib with leftover Maple Glaze Carrots and Steam Brussel Sprouts and a slice of home-baked cheesecake topped with whip cream and salted caramel.


Hearty Beef Lasagna recipe from Cook’s Country, one glass of Moiselle Moscato and a slice of home-baked cheesecake topped with whip cream and salted caramel.


After the Prime Rib and Lasagna I had a slice of homemade graham cracker cheesecake with whip cream and salted caramel.

If you read this far…thank you. I have been approached by a variety of health coaches and frankly most of them have never been really overweight, married with children or gave birth to twins. It’s my opinion that they can’t help me during this phase of my life. I don’t need a weight loss program or buy kits of pre-packaged foods. I don’t envision my life to include to eat some brownie in a bag as a treat for reaching a calculated calorie goal.

At the fantastic age of 42, I really want my body to glow, enjoy good food, look good in my clothes for any occasion and have energy to be playful with children. My husband and I had a talk about how I reached 38 inches. He agreed in changing the way we eat and he is committing to doing this WITH ME. Which is a relief and exciting too! That this will be our couples thing for us.

If you are a food blogger that shares delicious meals I would love to try to incorporate your recipes in our journey. Comment below or message me. If I use your recipe I will link it to your blog post.

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