The search for candidates to apply for board of directors for the RCH Water Supply Corporation was better than I expected! It started with one and so many helped spread the word that we ended with a total of (6) six applications in less than four days!!!
If you are new to my blog, welcome and thank you for reading to be informed about the water administration frustration that we are all experiencing here.
Applicants Who Desire To Be On The RCH Board
Many thanks to David Naylor, Michael Easter, Marty Smith, David Cross and Richard Brown. Each of the gentlemen would be excellent to support when an election is called or even the honor of an appointment.
In a few facebook group pages I announced that we needed signatures for many of the applicants and it did not take long that I received well over 100+ responses to be one of the 20 signatures to show support for that candidate to be placed on a ballot.
Special thanks to TEAM NAYLOR who had their application, petition and copies ready first on Friday morning!
Activism is NOT Glamorous Work
Besides wearing proper foot attire it’s important to note that your heart has to be in the right place. I just wanted to share that we have some amazing and talented people who live right here in “the gem” of Rockwall County. It was such a joy to meet people who were very supportive and want to express their grievance with RCH. I don’t get paid a nickel for any of my personal efforts and I just wanted to make sure to highlight Melody O. for printing and making copies. Thank you ma’am for helping on our community endeavor.
THANK YOU to our neighbors for stepping up on our mission for better water management. Within approximately 15 hours we obtained the signatures coming from the following neighborhoods:
Sonoma Verde
Austin Corners
Bluebonnet Ridge
Chisholm Trail
Chisholm Crossing Phase 1
Chisholm Crossing Phase 4
Highpoint Ranch Estates
Frontier Trail
FM 1139
Savannah Hill Ln
Kensington Park
The Grievance Process
Customers, aka, members of RCH Water Service Corporation have the opportunity to voice concerns or grievances to an authorized manager, Robin Baley, H20 Services and to the RCH WS president Jackie Pullen.
At 9am, Monday, July 25, 2022 the following documents were notarized at the City Hall:
1) A grievance letter to Mr. Pullen, the RCH Board of Directors and Robin Baley that includes our desired results.
2) An itemized agenda that includes to accept the applications to hold an election with a third party for a minimum of 3 director positions.
3) Six Candidate Director Applications with bios with each RCH WS customer petition.
In addition to this, I met Mr. Pullen face-to-face at 10am. He was an absolute gentleman and I provided him a copy of what has been sent by certified mail. He has taken my concerns under advisement.
The process is not a bunch of fireworks and flashy lights. It takes time and there are necessary components to be done so that we can achieve our ultimate goal of becoming a direct customer with NTMWD so that we can accommodate current growth and our future. We may never agree 100% with our neighbors, but we need water for public safety and to maintain our domestic and/or agriculture lifestyle. Loss of adequate water pressure can have a negative impact on fire fighting when firefighters are unable to get enough water to suppress fires.
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