Adding A Little Spice To My Mornings

It was one those rare Sunday mornings where my husband felt compelled for all of us to have breakfast at a restaurant before church. Although, we ended up going to a donut shop and Starbucks. While awaiting for daddy in the car as he was inside Starbucks chatting it up with a friend from basketball. I noticed he was at the condiment bar shaking something into his drink order.

When Jason returned he put our drinks into the cupholders. I picked up one of them and realized the one that I sipped had a little extra spice to it. It was different and a surprise.

Jason started telling me about the benefits of cinnamon and I thought it was interesting that I suggested that I would be willing to try it next time.

Next morning, my husband made a fresh batch of coffee with our French Press, topped it with whip cream and added cinnamon on top. It was fantastic!

These days my coffee includes whipping cream, some whip cream with cinnamon.

Tell me what’s your favorite morning brew and how do you like yours served?

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