Sgt. Hall and my son Corban.

Great Night Out With Rockwall County Sheriff Officers and Neighbors

The best way to build a safer community is to know your neighbors and your surroundings. National Night Out triumphs over a culture that isolates us from each other and allows us to rediscover our own communities. – Kay Bailey Hutchison, Senator

Annually, the first Tuesday of October in Texas is National Night Out. Our Rockwall County Sheriff’s Department partners with block captains and homeowner associations to encourage you to join your neighbors and have a block party to celebrate.

This year the sheriff’s office sponsored items to go along with the kits delivered by our association. Neighbors always look forward to grilling those tasty hot dogs!

Approximately 12 Neighborhood Gatherings were held in Rockwall County on NNO

Parents and their children had the opportunity to see squad cars, various emergency response vehicles and the K-9 Unit. Lots of mingling and talking about a variety of topics. Positive interactions are invaluable and hold the key to building lasting community relationships.

Rockwall County Precinct Chair 3D Chasity Swehla delivered special baskets to all the block captains to thank them for serving and hosting a National Night Out in our community. To sign up to receive Precinct 3D related news click here.

McLendon-Chisholm Fire Rescue also rolled in their new fire engine and I got to see a familiar face former McLendon-Chisholm Council Member Jim Bloom. He is now serving as a full-time driver and paramedic for the department since July 2021.

I’m very thankful that we are growing into a friendly community filled with down to earth people that I am happy to call this place home. Here are some photos from our block party. How did yours go?

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